Micro sized Holy Quran for Muslims believers, prayer beads
Crystal Quran on a prayer beads (Tasbeeh, Misbaha)
Crystal Quran items are timeless. Whether you are purchasing one for yourself or for a loved one, a Crystal Quran makes a great gift for many occasions: a newborn baby, a graduation, an engagement, a wedding, a pilgrimage souvenir, a birthday and many more events!
Qur’an is the greatest source of guidance for man and is unmistakably the most precious divine source of wisdom. With grace of almighty Allah, we have been blessed with the Qur’an, the word of God which is the most beautiful form of expression.
Crystal Quran makes it easier for you to praise the Almighty with the help of small but unique range of Islamic products, books and many more. Whether you want to bring ease and convenience in remembering Allah or you want to live a spiritually connected life, only Crystal Quran has made it all available for you at one place. Qur’an, Crystal Qur’an,Tasbihul Qur’an, to name a few, are unique, rich in quality and undoubtedly effective too.
Thanks to this great lightweight Crystal Quran, you and your loved ones can now bring close to you, your own micro Holy Quran anytime, anywhere.
Beautifully crafted items which include the Crystal Quran can be developed in jewelry and any personal items.
being the holy text of Islam, every Muslim would like to carry this guide with them during important meetings or to incorporate its teachings in their day to day life. Modern expertise has definitely intervened to make this dream a living reality. With this affirmation we have come up with a product that offers the holy prayer bead “Tasbeeh” -“Masbaha” along with a
Crystal Quran
embedded on it
Crystal Qur’an is world’s smallest Qur’an-e-Majeed. We have put forth the Holy Qur’an in form of a beautiful locket attached to a Tasbee and you can read this Qur’an with aid of a pen microscope (sse FAQ-link).
With the “Tasbeeh” -“Masbaha”, you can recite the names of Allah Tala and you can use this Crystal Quran “Tasbeeh-Masbaha” as a Taviz as well. As you can seclude yourself from many troubles by availing teachings from the Qur’an, Insha Allah, strength of the given Qur’an-e-Pak will save you from ailments and mishappenings, misfortune and ill fate, accidents and all ills in life. It is very easy to keep this Crystal Quran “Tasbeeh-Masbaha” with you at all times and places. While travelling, at your home or shop or even at your office, with this Crystal Quran “Tasbeeh-Masbaha” you can always feel the presence of Allah. Indeed, this Crystal Quran “Tasbeeh-Masbaha” is your priceless friend and with its use, you can mention Allah Ta’ala and fill your life with his grace.
The “Tasbeeh – Masbaha”:
Like the rosary of the Roman Catholics and the Anglicans, the Masbaha (plural masabih) is used by Muslims in their prayers and meditation. This prayer tools is used by Muslims to recite the dhikr or to remember Allah as mentioned in the Holy Quran.
Though this Muslim rosary varies in sizes and style, it has general attributes. Most dhikrs has 99 beads grouped into 33 clusters each. A shorter string with 10 beads is used to keep track of multiples, while a fringed rope marks the ends of the 99 bead chain. However, the masbaha can be even longer, consisting of 999 beads, to eliminate the need for other beads for multiples.
Basically, the “Tasbeeh – Masbaha” is like a prayer guide to help a Muslim to take into account the rituals of dhikr, and is used as a tool to recite the 99 names of Allah. It is well performed during the holy month of Ramadan. It is believed that the Prophet Mohammad used simple memory aids in the form of seeds and animal bones to help him keep track on his prayers. However, it was Caliph Abu Bakr who used the masbaha. Early Muslims used loose pebbles or fingers while praying. Another record shows that in 1800s, Muhammad Baqir Majlisi observed that Fatima (daughter of Muhammad) would visit the Martyr’s Graveyard (where tombs of people killed in the Battle of Uhud was erected) every two days and then make a prayer bead. Hearing this, people began imitating the practice.
The product is packed in a box that replicates the Holy Quran. Upon opening the book you would find a neatly placed Crystal Quran “Tasbeeh-Masbaha” with a Crystal Quran at it’s center. For effective reading, place the crystal on a white light background.
Apart from this, there is a booklet guide to help you use this product with ease. All your queries are put to rest after reading the guide, which gives intricate details of most of the information one would like to know in simple language.